"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm An Emotional Wreck!

I know boys with be boys & I have many years to come of bumps, bruises, and maybe even broken bones but I definitely wasn't ready for it this weekend. Jacob had a game on Saturday and midway thru the game he feel backward on the bench and hit his head on the concrete. I was literally 2 steps away from him and I go over & pick him up and put him back on the bench to look at his head and he already has a huge bump on the back of his head. You could see blood on the surface but the skin was not broken. I rushed him out of the dugout to Ruben in the stands and everyone is just scrambling to get ice to the back of his head. It was painful to watch my little man hurt!! Ruben decides we need to take him to the ER to just get piece of mind that he is ok. We rush over there and they check his vitals, check his skull and bones and asked him a ton of questions to test his memory. Everything turned out great. They said he just broke a blood vessel and it was bruised. The bump has gone done a whole lot since Saturday...thank you God nothing was wrong! I cried the whole time we were at the ER...I knew deep down he was ok but it was just a lot to handle. My eyes literally tear up anytime I mention or think about his 5th birthday coming up or him starting Kindergarten so I told him to take it easy on me because right now I am just an emotional wreck...he thankfully promised!! I LOVE THAT LITTLE BOY!!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

haha i love the baseball field mural right behind him! its perfect for the little baseball players! he is such a trooper. asking for lunch on the way to the ER...i love him! and of course I love you too!