"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So This Is Christmas? did you sneak up on me? How did I let myself become so unorganized and unprepared??? Ugh I have been stressing this! I hate waiting last minute but that is what it seems I have done. BOOOOO on me! I am usually done with all of my Christmas shopping by now but I hate to report that out of the 30 something gifts/people I needed to buy I still have 6 gifts/people left & I still have to finish Ruben's. I refuse to buy anyone a gift card so it's hard to come up with what to get people...most of them have any and everything...what do you get someone that seriously has everything? I bought half of Ruben's gift but I am making him something special that I have to finish...I can't wait until it's done...he is going to be soooo surprised! I am really proud of myself...I have been working hard on it for the past 2 weeks sneaking around to work on it when he is around. Man that man is nosy! I am almost done & I am taking off on Monday so I can completely finish it without any interuptions. Last night I finished wrapping my gifts and finished making Jacob's goodie bags for his class. I didn't do as big of a goodie bag this time but they still came out really cute & filled with yummy candy. Can't really go wrong with candy! Today he will have a Christmas Concert and school and I am so so so excited. It's his first Christmas concert. They have been practicing 3 songs since Thanksgiving so they are all ready. They will be having their Christmas party on Friday with a book exchange so I can't wait to go to that. Add 3 more gifts to my list...I still need to pick up his teacher's gifts! It never ends!! Ruben & I will be hitting the stores this weekend cause I can not wait any's driving me crazy. At work I have been super busy trying to get everything done before I take my vacation time. I have 4 Sunday's worth of bulletins (well 1 Christmas Eve) and the January Newsletter to have finished in 3 days. I am almost done so that will be a huge weight off my solders then it will be 12 days of pure relaxation! Tomorrow we will be having a party at our MDO so I can't wait to exchange our "Secret Santa" gifts and eat some yummy food. I can't believe Christmas is in 9 days!

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