"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, November 9, 2009

"What Did He Say?"

Like I have said before...there is never a dull moment with Jacob. He cracks me up...I don't know where he gets some of the things he says...he is wise beyond his years. On Thursday we were practicing his bike and he got very brave and wanted to ride on the street since it was smoother than the sidewalk so I am literally jogging to keep up with him because he is flying on his bike. He sort of lost his balance and totally wiped out in front of 2 girls outside playing across the street. He got up and said, "O M G, why did I do that in front of the girls...I can't believe it. Mommy I want to go in, I don't want to look at them, I just want to go inside." Poor baby...his ego was bruised more than his arm or leg.

On Friday night Jacob spent the night at my parents and before we left we had dinner. He was looking down at his food and I just love when he looks down. I love looking at his long, dark eye lashes. They are beautiful! So I was starring at his eye lashes when he caught me looking at him and the conversation went like this:
Jacob: "Why are you starring at me?"
Me: "Because I made you & I can look at you any time I want."
Jacob: "No you didn't make me...I am not building blocks...I am a boy."
Ruben starts laughing and I am not understanding. Ruben didn't make him as in build him like you build with blocks. What!! I was amazed by his answer. He then came & hugged me and asked the sweetest question.
"Mommy, what's the story of me?"
Ah my eyes filled with tears...I thought it was so sweet. I then told him that God thought Daddy & I needed an angel so he brought him to us...he was content with that answer. I know that candy coated answer won't work for ever but at least it bought me some time.
On Sunday we went to the outlet mall in Cypress and Jacob didn't have a nap. If he doesn't have a nap we can expect a breakdown around 7:30 p.m. or so. He becomes tired but tries to do anything to stay awake. He starts acting up and grumpy. So Ruben was trying to put him to sleep around 8:30 & Jacob just wasn't having it. Ruben was getting upset Jacob wouldn't listen and told him that he was going to tell Santa that he was being a bad boy. Well Jacob starts laughing and Ruben says: "Keep laughing Jacob, I will be laughing at how much money I will be saving because I am not buying you Christmas presents because you don't behave." The room is quiet for a second then Jacob bust's out:
"Save money. Live Better. Wal-Mart."
I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh and Ruben starts laughing and just says, "I mean how can I be mad at that?" I mean how does a 4 year old just know that. Ahhh Jacob...what are we going to do with you? He is such a clown...he knows just what to say to get out of trouble.

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