"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bike & Books

We have been working with Jacob on riding his bike and when it is just Jacob & I he knows how to peddle but still needs a little help on the handle bars but magically when Daddy is around he doesn't know how to do anything and wants Ruben to push him. So on Monday, it was a beautiful afternoon, Jacob & I took his bike out and did some practicing. I took some pictures as evidence to Ruben (who was at school) that he doesn't need help & can do it on his own. Poor Jakey got busted! Daddy is still a sucker & says he is going to help him anyway!
Jacob loves, loves, loves, LOVES books. He would rather "read" a book than watch t.v. or play with toys any day. (FYI...thank you God...please let this continue as he gets older, thank you. Amen) We go to the library every week if not every week and a half. His favorite book is "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" (one of my all time favorites too). He has that book but every time we go to library he goes straight to the section where the Laura Numberoff books are (the author of the If you give... series). So today I ordered Jacob 8 different "If You Give..." books for Christmas. He is going to be so excited. I can't wait!

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