"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thank Goodness

Madelyn's surgery went well! Thank you God!! We got to Texas Children's around 9:45 a.m....we were supposed to be there at 9:30 a.m. but were pulled over on the side of 288 for a little while...Madelyn threw up so we had to get her and her car seat cleaned up. Back on the road we arrive and my heart just melts. Seeing all those sick kids there made me so sad. Day to day we take advantage of our life's and don't stop to realize how lucky we are. I am so lucky Jacob is healthy and I don't take time to really realize it. There were kids in the pj's, kids hooked up to just broke my heart. I thanked God right then and there for all the blessings I have been blind sighted by. I called Ruben to tell him I loved him and to also thank God for everything we have. Back to Madelyn...the surgery only took about 30 minutes and recovery about 30 minutes. When my sister & brother in law brought her into the waiting room she was acting like nothing had happened to her. She is a trooper! Thank Goodness everything turned out fine & no more ear infections!!

Saturday was a lazy day for us. We ran to Wal-mart & Target to get a couple of things and then we hung around the house all day. Sunday we were up early for a baptismal. Right after the baptismal we picked up a quick lunch and headed home to change. Ruben's family was throwing his cousin a surprise party so we headed to Galena Park. We stayed for a bit and then Ruben dropped Jacob & I off at my sisters so we could all go pick up my mom from the airport. She made it home safely...thank goodness & with souvenirs for all of us.

This week will be a busy one. Jacob & Madelyn will start swimming lessons today. Everyday for 2 weeks. This is Jacob's 2nd time with swimming lessons so I hope this time goes better than last time. I think this time he is ready...last year he wasn't. He also has 2 field trips at school so he is always excited about that.

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