"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend Re-Cap & Crazy Things A 4 Year Old Says...

I will back track to Wednesday...Jacob's 2nd field trip at school. They went to the movies and I went this time (I missed Tuesday's field trip). I noticed I was the only parent that went but that's ok because I love being involved in Jacob's school & will continue too even if I am the only one. He wasn't embarrassed I was there, he was happy I was there. I know as he grows older that will probably change. I tell Ruben I am going to be PTA president when he starts school...just watch I will! So we are off to the movies & I am following the school's bus that Jacob is in & what do I do...I start a little baby. I just can't believe how big he is & how crazy it is that he is going on field trips and will then be starting school soon. I love that he is growing up but sometimes it's just a little too much to take in. He's a boy...not a baby. So we get to the movies & I pull myself together. We watch the movie and have some snacks...yummy! We head back to the school and the kids are ready for their lunch and nap time. I am so HAPPY Jacob goes to Primrose...they are truly amazing. I honestly couldn't believe how well they have everything put together and organized. All the kids had id bracelets and matching t-shirts, they did head count very was just amazing. Now I know that I am ever not there Jacob as well as everyone else is being very well taken care of. When we got back to the school I checked Jacob out and we headed out to have some lunch of our own. We went home & he napped while I did some cleaning.

Friday was do-nuts for Dad at school and Ruben was so upset he couldn't make it. So I took Jacob to our usual Shipley's before school so he definitely didn't miss out on the do-nut end. I ran some errands and got of course last minute Father's Day gifts. My Dad, Ruben & brother in law are so hard to shop for!! Men! My mom asked if Jacob could spend the night with here so I got his overnight bag ready and picked up some pizza making supplies so Jacob could make pizza for everyone. He loves that. I picked him up from school and we headed to my moms. We made the pizzas and then I headed home. Ruben & I watched He's Just Not That Into You and then called it a night.

Saturday morning I woke up early and headed to my moms. Jacob's bowling league was supposed to start that morning but when we got there they told us it was! He was kinda bummed. We went shopping with my mom, sister & Madelyn after that and then had some lunch. We dropped my mom & sister off and headed home for a much needed nap. The rest of the day we just hung around while Ruben worked on his paper.

On Sunday morning Jacob & I woke up early to make Ruben breakfast. We made him eggs, bacon & pancakes...we even made him a special pancake that spelled out dad. He loved it. After we ate Jacob gave him a tie that he made for him at school and Jacob & I both gave him an he can have something to listen to when he rides his bike to work & stuff. We hung out the rest of the day until it was time to have dinner at my parents house. Ruben has a good day! Jacob & I love him so much...we are so grateful for all he does for us!! We love you Ruben!!!

Now to the crazy things our 4 year old has been saying...
- "Mommy why do you have big boobies?"
- Jacob why did you make a he is lying down holding his tummy he says..."Oh my stomach hurts I can't hear you"
- In the store pointing to random girls..."She's hot!"
- "When I grow up I am going to sing Rock n' Roll"
- He hit his mouth on the guitar (guitar hero) and started crying so I asked him to let me see it he says..."I can't see my tears are too big"

Oh there are so many just never know with that boy! Love of my life!!

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