"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Sweetest Thing...

Oh my Jacob Ryan. He is a true boy...likes to get dirty, play rough, just the normal boy things. But when it comes to me...I am his princess. Last night I took him a shower and then myself one. I was sitting on the floor with him putting his lotion on and my hair was still up in the towel. He said, "Mommy why haven't you brushed your hair?" I replied, "I will as soon as I finish putting your lotion on." He then jumped up and said, "Please let me do it. I would love to do it." So he took the towel off my head and got my brush and gently started to brush my hair out. He was so sweet about it and kept asking if he was hurting me. Are you kidding was the sweetest thing ever. So he finished brushing my hair and then said he loved my hair & I was beautiful. Ahhh I love him! I pray that he is gentle and sweet like he is to me to his future wife one day. I put him in bed and he said his prayers as he always does...the same one every night...
as he makes the sign of the cross
The Father,
The Son,
The Holy Spirit,
Please God take care of Madelyn & Me.
He always prays for him & cousin Madelyn. So he tells me he loves me and my response back (our usual saying) "I love you to the moon" and he finishes it with, "& back!". I love to hear him say that.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

omg this made me cry! Jacob is the way he is because of you Jess. You are a great mom and the nicest person ever! I love and miss you guys!