"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, October 26, 2009


On Saturday Jacob had bowling in the morning & he did awesome. His first game he had 2 spares and bowled a 87! He had the highest score. His second game he bowled a 61 but by then he was tired and had enough. After bowling Ruben's mom, Jacob & I went to see Ruben's grandma, aunt and 2 cousins. They are in love with Jacob and are thrilled when we go over. We had a good visit then headed home. Jacob was so excited to go home...he's friend Aaron (my friend Gloria's son) was coming over to spend the night. Jacob's first sleep over. He was so excited. He picked out all the toys he & Aaron were going to play was cute. Aaron came over and we ordered pizza. The boys played in Jacob's room and then they said they wanted to watch a movie. I got them in their pj's and brushed teeth and put on Cars for them. They layed in Jacob's bed and watched the movie. I went in to check on them and they were both passed out by 9:00 p.m. What kind of sleep over is that? They are supposed to go to sleep late. I guess I shouldn't complain. They both did really well. They woke Ruben & I up around 7:30 a.m. and we had breakfast and got ready to head out to the park. The boys played for a while and then we took Aaron home. Jacob was sad to see his buddy leave but they already came up with a plan for their next sleep over.
Jacob & I stopped at my parents house afterwards to pick up his Halloween costume and headed home and hung out with Daddy. After a while we stopped at Jiffy Lube to get both the Sequoia and truck an oil change. We came home an had Pei Wei for dinner. Ruben and Jacob played as I put together Jacob's Halloween treat cups for his Halloween party at school on Friday. I can't wait. I love their costume parade. All the kids always look so cute. For Jacob's teachers I found the pots at Hobby Lobby and then found chocolate covered pretzels at Walmart and for his friends I filled the Halloween cups with candy, a pencil and a few other favors.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

i cant wait til anakin is in school! i want to make goody bags for his teachers and classmates!

We are so gonna be PTA moms! lol