"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pretty Proud Of Myself...

The Friday that just passed Katrina & I ran some errands. One of the places we stopped was Half Price Books. I found a book called, Mother Warriors, by Jenny McCarthy. I am really surprised at myself...I hate to read books. I hate reading them because it's hard for me to concentrate. I can be reading and then my mind wonders and I start to think of other things (without even realizing it) and by the time I am done with the page I don't even remember what I read. Well this book is different. I am already on Chapter 11 and I have only had the book 5 days...that's pretty good for me. I actually love this book. It's about her journey after she helped "recover" her son, Evan, from autism. It makes me think and realize just how blessed I am to have a healthy son. I thank God everyday for that boy...just makes me want to thank him even more. I understand there is a link from vaccinations to autism but I don't think that not vaccinating your child is the answer. I believe you already have some sort of gene or biological trait that with the vaccine can trigger autism. Not vaccinating Jacob was never a choice for me...even before I knew about the vaccine - autism connection. I feel for me that if it were to happen to Jacob or anything or any other sickness I should take it as it was in God's plan. Who am I to question Him or his path for me and my family? Everyone has their own believes and makes their own decisions...I praise you for your own decisions...I believe what is right for me & my family...again who am I to judge what you feel is right for your family. So I am excited to finish the book and I want to get her other books, Louder Than Words, which is how she helped "recover" her son and her book, Life Laughs: The Naked Truth about Motherhood, Marriage and Moving On. These books came out around 2007 so I will probably have to order them online.

Here is a conversation with Jacob yesterday at the grocery store:
Me: "Remind me to get bread"
Jacob: "I love bread, I love toast, I love sandwiches, I love grilled cheese, I just love bread...isn't that interesting?"
Me: (laughing that he asked me if that was interesting) "Yeah Jake that is pretty interesting"
Jacob: "Yeah I know...I'm a pretty cool dude"
Haha...what? 4 year old's. He's pretty full of himself.

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