"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, July 20, 2009

House Hunting = Stressful

Ruben & I have been looking for a house for months now. Boy has it been stressful & many times I have gotten my hopes up. Well Friday night Jacob stayed the night at my parent's house because in the morning we were going to look at a couple of houses. So Saturday morning we met with our agent (& longtime friend) at 2 houses in Twin Lakes. The one we originally interested in needed a lot of work (pictures can be deceiving) and right now with work and school we don't have the time for something like that. We saw another in that neighbor hood that was beautiful and something we were looking for so I thought we were going to have some luck. The only downfall...behind the house was the Pearland Police Station...Ruben wasn't to fond of that. We then looked at 2 houses....1 in West Oaks and 1 in Silverlake....both were beautiful & what we have been looking for. The problem....they both had bids on them so we would have to decided right then and there if we too would like to put a bid on it. Ruben is the type to stop and think about things...not rushed into things. This is a long term investment and he is not going to be rushed into something unless he feels it is the right thing for us. We don't want to rush into something as big as buying a house. He said if it was meant to be it would be...not rushed. So therefore we are still looking. Ugh!! When will we find what we are looking for?!! Our time will come & I am sure we will be happy we waited...hopefully we don't have to wait too much longer.

So today kicks off our 2nd (and last) week of swimming lessons. Jacob did great last week! I hope it doesn't rain this week so we can finish up our lessons.

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