"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, June 5, 2009

"Oh My Gosh...I'm Going To Turn Into A Fish"

Today at Jacob's school is Splash Pad Friday. The 4's, 5's & older kids out of school get to go outside to play on the splash pad they have at the school. They of course at different times get to play on the pad 2 times...once in the morning & once in the afternoon. Jacob was so excited...he told everyone he was going to play on the splash pad. So yesterday we went to Kohl's to see if we could find a new beach towel. He has an Astros one but he needed another one 'cause we also have 2 water parties to go to this weekend. So then on the way home Jacob & I are talking and he said "Why did I need another beach towel?" I told him when he goes to school he and his class are gonna get to play on the splash pad so he needed a towel to dry off and then on Saturday he was going to a swimming/splash pad party and he was also going to a party on Sunday with a water slide so he needed another towel since he only had one. His response..."Oh my gosh...I'm going to turn into a fish!" I said why...his response..."Only fish stay in the water all the time!" That silly boy!! So this morning he was super excited cause he knew we were stopping at Shipley's and he got to wear his swim shorts to school. I can't wait to pick him up to see how his day was!!

1 comment:

Katrina said...

hahaha! that boy is hilarious! lol.
p.s i miss shipleys! dunkin donuts is just not the same!